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The Balkan Call 2024

November 07 – 09 2024, Niš, Serbia


Registration for Balkan Call 2024 is now OPEN!

Hotel Nais Conference Hall
Address: Auto-put Niš-Beograd BB Niš, 18000, Serbia
Website: https://www.hotelnais.com/ (Do not contact the hotel directly for reservations. This can only be done through the Balkan Call website, by clicking the registration button above.)

Google Map link:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/bDQVkCGtM7KXg4YL9

NOTE: Not everyone will stay in the host hotel. This is where the conference hall is for all meetings.  Some will stay in our other partner hotels and have bus every day to the main hotel.

Questions about registration:

For any  questions regarding registration, contact our travel agent and event planning team:

“Marta & Marija” j.d.o.o., Croatia

Mobile: +385 95 582 2369  (Nenad Pavic Sinj)
VERY IMPORTANT  Read this before filling registration form.
Every person that’s coming to the Balkan Call 2024 has to fill out a registration form. When you register if you plan to a get double or triple room and have a roommate then please select that during registration process. Additionally please put in the provided space the names of the one or two persons you want to share the room with. The people that you selected as your preferred roommates need to fill out their own separate registration. If you would like to pay with credit card for more people contact us directly to create for you a special link or offer for your family or group.
This year we reserved 3 hotels to accommodate you, one is host hotel and the other two are just 20 minutes away and we provide transport by bus.
The people who will register first and pay the minimum reservation fee will be placed in host hotel until capacity is reached. After that we will fill other two hotels.
AFTER you have registered and paid you will be informed about which hotel you are staying in.
You can only register for the Balkan Call through this form.
Please do NOT contact the hotels directly.
Scholarships are reserved for Balkan nationals.
This year Balkan Call is being held in Niš/Serbia. There are real costs and we have secured the best rate possible for you. Please pay what you can pay.
Scholarships are available for those who have prayed and feel called to come but cannot afford the entire cost.  Scholarships are available only for citizens of Balkan nations and up to a maximum of 50% payment towards your final costs.
Language helpers for Balkan Call registration
If you do not understand English or Serbian language and you need help with your registration, please contact one of the following persons for your language
български: Ако не разбирате английски или сръбски език и имате нужда от помощ при регистрацията си, моля, свържете се с едно от следните лица за вашия език:
Română: Dacă nu înțelegeți limba engleză sau sârbã și aveți nevoie de ajutor pentru înregistrare, vă rugăm să contactați una dintre următoarele persoane pentru limba românã:
Türkçe: İngilizce veya Sırpça bilmiyorsanız ve kaydınız için yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, lütfen diliniz için aşağıdaki kişilerden biriyle iletişime geçin:
Ελληνικά: Εάν δεν καταλαβαίνετε την αγγλική ή την σερβική γλώσσα και χρειάζεστε βοήθεια με την εγγραφή σας, επικοινωνήστε με ένα από τα ακόλουθα άτομα που θα σας βοηθήσει στη γλώσσα σας
Shqiptarë, në qoftëse nuk e kuptoni gjuhën Angleze apo Sërbe dhe keni nevojë për ndihmë për të bërë regjistrimin tuaj, ju lutem kontaktoni një nga personat e më poshtëm për gjuhën tuaj:
български – Bulgarian:
Daniela Bigalke
WhatsApp: +359 89 998 3626
Shqiptarë – Albanian:
Blerta Hoti
WhatsApp: +383 45 463 538
Ελληνικά – Greek:
Giota Ainatzi
WhatsApp: +30 697 216 2508
Türkçe – Turkish:
Dilara Vatansever
WhatsApp: +90 552 869 07 09
Română – Romanian:
Alexa Caplescu
WhatsApp: +40 764 626 122ž


Send email with your information to: [email protected]


Balkan Call 2024 Schedule “Tentative”

Thursday, Nov. 7 – Saturday, Nov. 9

Thursday, Nov. 7
11:00-13:30: Registration and check-in
14:00 – OPENING Session: Introduction and Welcome Worship, Prayer & Teaching #1
17:00 – End of session #1
17:00 – 17:30 – Coffee Break
17:30 – Evening Session: Worship, Prayer & Teaching #2
20:00 – End of session #2
20:00 – 21:30 – Dinner
Friday, Nov. 8
7:00 – 9:00 – Breakfast
8:00 – 9:00 – Morning Devotional Worship and Prayer
9:00 – Morning Session: Worship, Prayer & Teaching #3
12:30 – End of session #3
12:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – Afternoon Session: Worship, Prayer Session #4 (no teaching)
16:30 – End of Session #4
16:30 – 17:30 – Coffee Break / Networking
17:30 – Evening Session: Worship and Prayer Teaching #5
20:00 – End of Session #5
20:00 – 21:30 – Dinner
Saturday, Nov. 9
7:00 – 9:00 – Breakfast
8:00 – 9:00 – Morning Devotional Worship and Prayer
9:00 – Morning Session: Closing Worship and Prayer Commissioning Service #6
13:00 – Closing the Balkan Call 2024
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

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